B. inggris


Terjemahan kepada bahasa Inggri
Sepupuku bernama Nisa
Dia mempunyai rambut pendek
Hidung pesek dan kulit putih
Dia berbadan tinggi dan bersekolah di sekolah dasar 12 pulau punjung
Ia bercita-cita menjadi polwan
Dan pernah menjuarai polcil cantik

2 Jawaban

  • my cousin name is nisa
    she has short hair,flat nose and skinny
    she has high body and attend at primary scholl 12 punjung island
    she aspires to be a police woman
    and ever win a pretty little cop

    Maaf ya jika saya salh
  • my cusson name is nisa,she have a short hair,a flat nose and a white leather,she hight body and school in SD 12 punjung island,she desire a polwan,and champion ever a polcil beutyfull.maaf kalau ada yang salah

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