B. inggris


sebutkan Antonim dan Sinonim di teks bawah

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Rina is my classmate.She is smart and beautiful Everyone who doesn't understand and know how to do the homework frequently ask her for help.She is a very nice person and I am proud to be her friend.However,we have different interest.Rina prefers math to other subjects.I prefer science.Rina is very helpful.She always helps me do my math homework when I find it too difficult do it on my own.I do the same thing for her.I always help her do her science homework whenever she asks me.We are the best partner in the world.

Unlike Rina and I,our classmate,Edo,is a little different.He is cut but not clever.He is very lazy in class and seems to be helppless.He is a good boy,but he never does his homework.Many student call him a stupid boy.However,I'm sure he's not stupid.He is just lazy.Most of all the students in my class don't want to be in the same group with him or be his partner when there is homework to do together.Since Rina and I sometimes feel sorry for him,we usually invite him to do the homework together.Finally,I have to admit one thing: he is the worst partner ever.

1 Jawaban

  • antonim : smart : stupid
    synonim : smart : clever

    antonim : beautiful : ugly
    synonim : beautiful : pretty

    antonim : difficult : easy
    synonim : difficult : hard

    antonim : little : big
    synonim : little : few

    antonim : lazy : diligent
    synonim : lazy : inert

    antonim : good : bad
    synonim : good : nice

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