apa arti Another job in the computer field is that of the systems analyst. The systems analyst often has a great deal of knowledge about computers and computer
B. inggris
apa arti "Another job in the computer field is that of the systems analyst. The systems analyst often has a great deal of knowledge about computers and computer operations. He or she is the data processing professional whose job is to design and develop all the systems which will be used on a particular computer system. The systems analyst must first analyze the information needs of his or her employer. He or she must then interpret the company's needs and decide how to utilize the computer to fulfill them in the most efficient way. In addition, the systems analyst must also know how to program. Furthermore, as the systems analyst usually determines what kind of equipment is best for a particular job, he or she must be an expert in hardware as well as software."
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban Choiraewon
"Pekerjaan lain di bidang komputer adalah analis sistem. Analis sistem sering kali memiliki banyak pengetahuan tentang komputer dan operasi komputer. Dia adalah profesional pengolahan data yang tugasnya merancang dan mengembangkan semua sistem yang akan digunakan pada sistem komputer tertentu.Peng analis sistem pertama-tama harus menganalisis kebutuhan informasi dari atasannya. Dia kemudian harus menafsirkan kebutuhan perusahaan dan memutuskan bagaimana memanfaatkan komputer untuk memenuhi mereka dengan cara yang paling efisien. Analis sistem juga harus tahu bagaimana memprogramnya. Selanjutnya, karena analis sistem biasanya menentukan jenis peralatan apa yang terbaik untuk pekerjaan tertentu, dia harus ahli dalam perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak.