B. inggris


A. You are invited to an open house in honor of the graduation of chiristina supriyadi June 10th 7:00-9:00 135 center avenue Given By Indra & Bayu supriyadi
To confirad 7773316
Translate kalimat Diatas yah
Lalu ada soal Dibawah Ini
1.When should the invitee come to the addres?
2. what is the occasion of the invitation
3. Where is the open house held
4. Who is the sender/inviter of the invitation
5. from the text we know that Christina has just

B. mie spesial day is coming I am 14 years old now my parents are having a special party farme your smile & laugh we hope so come to the party and it willbelots of fun the party will be held at theree to five p.m sunday december 22,13
nini's house
45 cibinong
translate kalimat di atas Terus ada soal tolong dijawab dengan tepat di bawah ini
6. How long will the party be held?
7. Who is having the party
8. When was nini born?
9. Where is the party be held?
10. the word"it" refers to?

yang bisa jawab dengan benar dan saya dapat nilai 100 atau 80 90 saya kasih pulsa saya janji!!!

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