Terjemahan dari The chinese influence in indonesian visual art. Chinese culture played a truly significant role in the development of visual art in indonesian a
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Terjemahan dari The chinese influence in indonesian visual art. Chinese culture played a truly significant role in the development of visual art in indonesian although not as strong as the Hindu, budhist or muslim influences. Many chinese culture from of artistic expression were adapted and assimilated into idigenous from. The chinese influence was rectricted to an adapted from. The architectural element in some temples for example, reveal chinese influence. It is identical to the original model found in mainlad china. In gianyar bali. Strong link between the chinese and local people are evidenced by the chinese, style roofing on the palace that was rebuilt at the and of the last century. In cirebon, china designs were copeid by local ceramic and painting. Chinese influence also accurs in textile, furtiture and house hould object.
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Pengaruh China dalam Seni Rupa Indonesia
Budaya Tiongkok memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan seni visual di Indoneia meski tidak sekuat pengaruh Hindu, Budha atau Muslim. Banyak sekali bentuk ekspresi seni China yang disesuaikan dan berasimilasi ke dalam bentuk masyarakat adat. Elemen arsitek di beberapa pura misalnya, mengungkapkan pengaruh cina. Ini identik dengan model asli yang ditemukan di daratan china. Di Gianyar Bali, hubungan yang kuat antara orang cina dan lokal dibuktikan dengan atap gaya cina di istana yang dibangun kembali. pada akhir sentimental terakhir. Pengaruh China juga terjadi pada tekstil, furnitur dan benda-benda rumah tangga.