B. inggris


Jawab lah pertanyaan saya dengan menggunakan simpel present tense

1.dia (bb) memakan ikan di sungai
2.kamu tidak bertemu amin di sekolah
3.dimas duduk di atas kursi baru
4.dia tidak makan nasi hari ini
5.mereka tidak membeli beberapa buah di pasar
6.kita tidak pergi ke medan hari ini
7.mereka bermain sepak bola sore ini
8.amir membaca buku sejarah di perpustakaan

2 Jawaban

  • 1.He/She eats fish in the river.
    2.You don't meet amin at the school.
    3.Dimas sits on the new chair.
    4.He/She doesn't eat rice today.
    5.They don't buy some fruits in the market.
    6.We don't go to Medan today.
    7.They play football this afternoon.
    8.Amir reads history book in the library
  • 1. He/she eats fish in the river
    2. You dont meet Amin at school
    3. Dimas sits on the new chair
    4. He/she doesnt eat rice today
    5. They dont buys some fruits in the market
    6. We dont go to Medan today
    7. They plays footbal this afternoom
    8. Amir reads history book at library

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