B. inggris


Tolong buatinn manfaat kegunaan hp pake bahasa inggris

2 Jawaban

  • 1. relax us communicate. We can communicate with our interlocutor without having to face face-to-face with our interlocutor, wherever and wherever we are, we can exchange information easily. 2. friendship network, friendship network, and coworkers. By using the friendship app provided on the HandPhone, we can find new people from things that we do not know the location of the area. 3. increase our knowledge about the latest technological developments. 4. order us to complete a job. 5. for us to search for information in cyberspace (internet).
  • Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris

    Handphone di masa sekarang ini adalah alat yang sangat populer. Alat canggih ini sudah bergeser fungsinya dari hanya sebagai alat komunikasi menjadi sarana informasi dan hiburan.

    Bagaimana dengan dampaknya bagi siswa? Tentu saja ada dampak baik dan buruk dari handphone utamanya bagi siswa.

    Beberapa orang berpendapat bahwasanya handphone mempunyai banyak keuntungan. Selain sebagai alat komunikasi yang cepat, handphone bisa digunakan saat bosan dengan menonton video, mendengarkan musik, juga aktif di sosial media.

    Dampak baiknya bagi siswa ketika di sekolah adalah handphone bisa menjadi alat untuk mencari referensi pelajaran. Tak jarang guru meminta siswa mencari bahan melalui internet. Tentunya hanphone memudahkan siswa untuk mendapatkan bahan tersebut.

    Mobile phones are very popular means nowadays. This modern technology has changed from its main function as communicative means to media of information and entertainment.

    How is the impact to students? There must be good and bad impacts of bringing mobile phone especially for students.

    Some people agree that mobile phone has many benefits. Beside as a mean of communication, mobile phones can be used when people get bored. They can watch video or listen to music, and also be active in social media.

    The good impact for students in school is as a mean of searching information for lesson reference. If teachers ask student to find materials in the internet, mobile phones may help to find the materials.

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