B. inggris


soal bahasa inggris menjodohkan
1. water fall 6. privilege
2. water proof 7. wax figure
3. downtown 8. sancruary
4. elevator 9. apparatus
5. charm 10. renowned

dari kata tersebut cocokkan dalam kalimat berikut
1. The physics laboratory has the best ....... I've ever seen
2. Take the ...... to the fourth floor,and i'll meet you up there
3. should the walls or floor be dampt, ...... paper is added
4. I would go ...... to meet my old friends in a famous cafe
5. Madame tussand musseum in bangkok, thailand displays president soekarno's .......
6. the golapogos islands are a ........ cor a few of the most unique animals on our planet
7. the old building is ........ for its beautifull and perfect proportions of its western floor
8. the old house has its ....... ,including a beauty window overlooking the sea
9. Alika gets ......... so she can enter the concert without queueing, un like other visitors.
10. Victoria, the greatest ...... in the word, forms the most remarkable feature of zombezi river, central africa.

tolong dijawab y soal bahasa inggris kelas 11 pleese cma mauastiin jawaban saya bner atau ga,<

2 Jawaban

  • 1.apparatus
    3.water proof
    5.wax figure
    10.water fall
  • 1.apparatus=peralatan
    3.water proof=anti air
    4.downtown=bawah kota/pinggir kotA/PUSAT KOTA
    5.wax figure=patung lilin
    9.privilege=hak istimewa
    10.Waterfall=air terjun

    semoga membantu,
    jadikan yang terbaik

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