1.bahasa Indonesia there is a teacher is a student in the class 2.bahasa indonesia there are two apples on the plate 3.bahasa indonesia there many student in t
B. inggris
1.bahasa Indonesia there is a teacher is a student in the class
2.bahasa indonesia there are two apples on the plate
3.bahasa indonesia there many student in the yard of school
2.bahasa indonesia there are two apples on the plate
3.bahasa indonesia there many student in the yard of school
2 Jawaban
1. Jawaban Rfika2005
1 gak ngerti
2 ada 2 apel di piring
3 ada banyak murid di lapangan sekolah -
2. Jawaban cha2fildzah
1. Disana adalahseorang guru dan seorang pelajar di dalam kelas
2. Di sana ada dua apel di atas piring
3. Di sana banyak pelajar di lapangan sekolah
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